Or as I like to call it, "free babysitting". We've been lucky enough to be a part of VBS for our old church for a few years now, without ever having to actually go to church there! It's fabulous! The kids get free dinner and 2 hours of sports while I go to dinner with the other moms and dads. This week I went to Bento with Josh on Monday, Red Robin with Allison and Emily on Tuesday, Red Robin again with Josh and Rob on Wednesday and The Venetian with Allison, Sarah and Haley last night. Two of these nights included cocktails. This is the way it's supposed to be, I'm telling you. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Tonight is the last night of VBS for the year. Thanks to all the helpers and organizers! I had a great time! :)

On another note, I'm freaking out a little bit right now. I am in Kari's wedding tonight, which will be fantastic no doubt. But orchestrating the kids/babysitting/getting ready, etc without Josh is terrifying.

Saturday is coming soon too. (tomorrow to be exact) We are going to a grown up Slip n Slide party. I'm going to be seen in a swim suit? I think not...at least not without an almost lethal dose of alcohol.