Hayden, you're so street.

My girls, being beautiful.

Josh with Kate in Sunriver.

Me and Kate on our little impromptu beach day.
I'm a serious blog slacker these days. I guess it's probably because I recently discovered Facebook. Anytime I go to the laptop to do anything, I end up screwing around for 30 minutes or more on facebook. I occasionally will forget what I originally came to the laptop for and log out without doing it. Retarded, I know.
So here I am, blogging. I guess a good place to start is to fill you all in on our adventures so far this summer.
We spent a week in Sunriver with my family. Parents, grandpa, Connie, sisters, brother, brother in law, Scott and a plethora of kids. We rode bikes everywhere, played in the pools, guys went golfing, ate insane amounts of food and dessert, drank quite a bit, etc. It was great but we missed Ashley lots this year. Just wasn't the same without you!
When we got home from Sunriver, first order of business was to get bikes so we could continue riding. Josh got a kick ass bike from Portland Citybikes. It's a KHS something or other. I got a sweet Giant bike with a little wooden bike rack on the back. The kids got Schwinns and Kate got the Burley trailer. All in all, we spent a little dough, but it's been worth it. We've ridden downtown Hillsboro a couple times, to my parents' house and just around the neighborhood. We recently took all the bikes out to Sauvie Island, hoping to find the bike trail that I found online. We found it, but it was a country road with nowhere to ride safely, so we left. On a whim, we stopped at the Hillsboro Main Library on our way back into town and rode all over the place there. We went to New Seasons and got ice cream bars and had a snack outside. Fun was had by all.
We had a great 4th of July this year too. The day started out watching the parade downtown. Thanks dad for getting up at the butt crack of dawn again to stake our spots! Later that day, we went to a barbecue down the street with our awesome neighbors. We ended the day at the Chilcotts, watching the Oak Hills fireworks and then blowing stuff up in the street. Nothing says, "Happy Birthday America" like some good illegal fireworks.
Speaking of which, I had an awesome birthday. I never really make a big deal out of my birthday, so it's always a surprise when other people do. Josh tracked down the tattoo artist who did Kara's tattoo and got me all the contact info. He wrote in my card that I can go get mine done when I'm ready. I have a consultation with her next Thursday. I'm really excited.
Coming up, we have my cousin's wedding in California, Kari's wedding (I'm a bridesmaid), camping in Washington and a smattering of little stuff in between. I love summer!